- an improved search, allowing users to find content easily and to filter their search results. EMA plans to further refine this functionality in the future;
- a 'responsive' design for cleaner display on mobile devices;
- simpler URLs based on the location and title of webpages or documents;
- an updated visual design offering users a clearer reading experience and simpler navigation.
"This new version of our website will help us to further improve our communication with our partners and stakeholders, including the European Commission and our networks, and will support us in reaching out to European Union citizens by providing them with evidence-based and accessible information on medicines," said Guido Rasi, EMA's Executive Director.
"It is particularly important for me that we were able to achieve this before we move to Amsterdam. As the new corporate website is now hosted in the cloud, independently of EMA's physical location, it will help us as we enter into our physical relocation process in the months to come."
The website's content and structure remain unchanged. Although the site's URLs are new, URLs from the previous website will continue to work for every page and document, thanks to one-to-one redirects. Although these redirects will be available for an indefinite period, EMA encourages users who have bookmarked any URLs to consider updating them at their convenience now that the new site is live.
The new website has been designed to work optimally on the latest web browsers.
EMA carried out the project to relaunch the website in collaboration with the European Commission’s Directorate General for Informatics (DIGIT). DIGIT will also host and maintain the new website on behalf of EMA.
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