To make the daily operations of the Agency more transparent: this will not only include a re-assessment of the currently applied balance between transparency and protection of commercially confidential information, but will also lead to more proactive disclosure of information about the scientific evaluation of medicines. All of this will help to better explain how the Agency operates and how it reaches its scientific conclusions.
To strengthen the Agency's interaction with its stakeholders, in particular patients and healthcare professionals: the existing interaction will be further developed with a view to consulting patients and healthcare professionals on the scientific evaluation of medicines at the level of the Agency's scientific committees.
To promote a harmonised approach to transparency across the European medicines network: the Agency will be working closely with the medicines regulatory authorities in the EU Member States to provide for a harmonised approach to transparency, including consistent implementation across the European Union.
2. All comments should be sent using the comments form provided here: http://www.emea.europa.eu/pdfs/human/transparency/Template_Comments.doc
3. The second workshop on development of the EMEA transparency policy is scheduled to take place at the EMEA on 19 October 2009. Details will be provided, closer to the time, in the 'Events' section of the Agency's website: http://www.emea.europa.eu/meetings/conference.htm
4. This press release, together with other information on the work of the EMEA, can be found on the EMEA website: www.emea.europa.eu