"The interim position by the JCVI is inconsistent with its recommendations for other meningococcal vaccines. The meningitis C vaccination campaign in the UK, following JCVI recommendation, was a tremendous public health success saving thousands from serious illness and death," said Andrin Oswald, Division Head, Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics. "It is disappointing to see that the decision was mostly driven by financial considerations and without any pricing discussion with Novartis. The evaluation model does not do justice to the vaccine's ability to prevent babies and young children from dying or surviving with severe lifelong disabilities."
In January 2013, the European Medicines Agency licensed Bexsero for active immunization of individuals from two months of age and older against invasive meningococcal disease caused by Neisseria meningitidis group B[4]. Results from robust Phase III studies have confirmed the Bexsero safety and immunogenicity profile. Bexsero clinical trials have involved more than 8,000 people receiving at least one dose of the vaccine[5].
Novartis believes that the current method of evaluating the cost-effectiveness of Bexsero fails to fully capture the lifetime benefits of disease prevention and undervalues technologies that prevent diseases. In particular, since 1999, a similar vaccine for meningococcal serogroup C disease is estimated to have prevented more than 9,000 cases of serious disease and more than 1,000 deaths in the UK[6].
In the UK, children continue to die and suffer each year from meningitis B disease[2]. Until Bexsero is included on the routine immunization schedule, which provides broad access to vaccines for children, meningitis B will remain a threat for youth in the UK causing needless death and disability[1],[2]. Bacterial meningitis and septicemia kill more children under five than any other infectious disease in the UK[7].
The repercussions of meningitis B disease for patients and families affected as well as national healthcare systems are significant[8]. Bexsero is the only broad coverage vaccine against this often devastating disease, which can kill within 24 hours or cause serious, life-long disabilities[1],[4]. Prevention through vaccination is therefore the only defense against an aggressive disease that leaves little time for intervention[4].
About Novartis
Novartis provides innovative healthcare solutions that address the evolving needs of patients and societies. Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, Novartis offers a diversified portfolio to best meet these needs: innovative medicines, eye care, cost-saving generic pharmaceuticals, preventive vaccines and diagnostic tools, over-the-counter and animal health products. Novartis is the only global company with leading positions in these areas. In 2012, the Group achieved net sales of USD 56.7 billion, while R&D throughout the Group amounted to approximately USD 9.3 billion (USD 9.1 billion excluding impairment and amortization charges). Novartis Group companies employ approximately 131,000 full-time-equivalent associates and operate in more than 140 countries around the world.
1. World Health Organization. Meningococcal meningitis. Fact sheet #141. November 2012. Available at: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs141/en/. Accessed on July 2013.
2. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Annual Epidemiological Report: Reporting on 2010 Surveillance Data and 2011 Epidemic Intelligence Data. 2012 Available at: http://ecdc.europa.eu/en/publications/Publications/Annual-Epidemiological-Report-2012.pdf. Accessed on July 2013.
3. JCVI Minutes for Meeting: June, 2013.
4. Novartis Bexsero EU Approval Press Release. Available at: http://www.novartis.com/newsroom/media-releases/en/2013/1672036.shtml. Accessed July 2013.
5. Novartis Data on File.
6. UK Health Protection Agency. Vaccination for Meningococcal Disease. Available at http://www.hpa.org.uk/web/HPAweb&HPAwebStandard/HPAweb_C/1296682977081?pri. Accessed July 2013.
7. Office for National Statistics. Mortality statistics: Deaths registered in 2010 (Series DR) Table 5.1 Available at: http://bit.ly/uHcnTt. Accessed July 2013.
8. Wright, Claire et al. Counting the Cost of Meningitis: A severe case of bacterial meningitis. Meningitis Research Foundation. 2011. Available at: http://www.meningitis.org/assets/x/53379. Accessed July 2013.