By participating in this survey you will help us to advise translational research projects in all issues of informed consent and to deliver concretepolicy recommendations as to how the European Union could jointly protect patient's rights and support translational research by a better structured approach towards consent issues. The survey is addressed to:
- Clinicians/Care providers,
- Chairpersons of research projects/trials,
- Researchers/Molecular biologists,
- Computer Scientists,
- Legal Experts/Ethicists,
- Data Manager/Statisticians,
- European Policymakers.
In addition you will gain access to the advisory service via the helpdesk provided by CONTRACT, please visit for further details.
CONTRACT's electronic survey is now accessible online under the following link::
About CONTRACT Project
The CONTRACT project is a two-year support action (2010-2012) funded under the Health theme of the EU's Framework Programme 7.
CONTRACT seeks to establish methods to understand the way the European Data Protection Directive and the Clinical Trials Directive have had and continue to have an impact on the success of translational research. The project will focus on informed consent as a fundamental precondition for the legal processing of personal data and for carrying out a legally admissible trial.